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Lantern Walk: Grades 1 - 2 & Early Childhood

On the evening of November 13, when sunlight is almost faded, the younger members of our school community will gather with their classes and together with their parents and guardians, we will carry our lantern lights into the darkness.

American Waldorf schools have continued the European Lantern Walk tradition and to this day, schools across the globe hold festivals similar to ours each year in November around Martinmas. St. Martin was a young soldier who encountered a cold and destitute beggar. So moved was he, that Martin tore his own cape in half to cover and warm the needy man. After a dream the following night, Martin was convinced that he was to dedicate his life in service of all humankind. A gentle and unassuming man, he brought light and warmth to all those whose lives he touched, hence his association with the lantern.

Grades 1 & 2 will meet in front of the grades building
Early childhood will meet in your early childhood class yard

Reverent walk with signing begins promptly at 5:15pm
Parking on campus will be congested, please try to limit one vehicle per family.  

October 4

Outdoor Gear Swap

February 7

Grades Classrooms Observation Morning